Water Control

Check Structure
Precon’s Check structure controls water levels and velocity while measuring the flow, specifically when there is no change in elevation.

Check/Drop Structure
Precon’s Check/Drop structure controls water levels and velocity while measuring the flow, specifically when there is a change in elevation.

Flared Headwalls
Precon’s Flared Headwalls offer a cost-effective alternative to cast-in-place structures for connecting pipework discharging into open watercourses such as rivers, ditches, ponds, and swales.

Impact Baffle
Precon’s Impact Baffle is an outlet-style structure and it is designed to dissipate energy as water is introduced into a drainage system or natural water course.

Precon’s Inlet/Turnout is designed for water inlet and outlet control.

Panel Wall
Precon’s Panel Wall is designed around the required openings and the depth necessary to eliminate seepage. With robust connections, panels can be continuously added to create a wall of any length.
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